Gateway to the future of sustainable farming
Optimize every second and every inch of your field using PerPlant's advanced AI-based sensor system
Kontakt osOur Mission
PerPlant's mission is to accelerate sustainable agriculture by providing farmers with access to AI technology. We believe that farmers aim to grow quality food while protecting the environment. Our AI provides precise insight into plant health, which minimizes the need for unnecessary chemicals.
Sensors are driving
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0 kg
Co2 Savings
PerPlants system
PerPlants system bruger kunstig intelligens til at behandle HD-billeder "on edge" – i marken – hvilket muliggør automatiseret sprøjtning med centimeterpræcision. Den registrerer anomalier og genererer præcise recepter i kun tre enkle trin
Catch Data
Perplants system er et højopløsningskamera monteret på landbrugsudstyr, som optager feltbilleder i realtid på tværs af flere bånd, der geotagger dem og tilpasser sig lysforholdene for optimal kvalitet.
Analyze & Generate prescription maps
Use of AI on the edge, Perplants system analyserer billederne, registrerer afgrødeanomalier og genererer præcise ordinationsrater til sprøjtning. Muligheden for "in-cabin display" provides real-time monitoring and adjustment options.
Automation Spraying
The system integrates with syringes to apply treatments automatically. After operation, farmers can analyze detailed plant health maps via Plant GIS and access cloud-stored data for future planning.

What does the farmers say about us
Can we agree on a letter of intent where I get exclusive investment rights in your company?
You can mount it on my tractor this afternoon if you like! I expected a much more expensive price level
No tech companies in the market that can reduce the amount of pesticides directly with 30-70% for so little money..
Our technology offers multi-value which not only benefits the farmers but also reduces the negative influence of the planet.
Reduces Chemicals
Sensor-based target speed reduces the use of pesticides, fertilizers and growth regulators by up to 80%
Increases Yield
Dosed spraying increases yield by up to 4% and balances nutrients in crops
Saves Time
Preparation, creation and execution of allocation cards in the field is reduced by up to 20 hours thanks to precision sprayer automation.
A greener planet
Spraying chemicals has a significant impact on the environment, insects and our planet. Variable rate spraying reduces this impact.

Our product brings precision farming within reach with features that simplify and improve every step.
Fully Automated
ISOBUS supported sensor installation easily integrates with tractors and other implements to support automatic variable allocation spraying
Plant level insights
Based on data collection and processing of plant-level HD images, farmers gain access to unparalleled, precise insight into the health of their crops
Plug & Play
The tractor-mounted sensor removes the need for pre-planning friction as they are ready-to-use, always available, require no third-party involvement, are weather-independent (even in cloudy and windy conditions) and are future-proofed for climate change.
Cost effective
The sensor cost 50% less than the cheapest competing technology, which enables most farmers to join the transition to precision technology.
Our Partners
We are proudly backed by a global venture capital fund that supports our capital needs.
Our technology is rooted in research from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, one of the world's leading technological institutes, and we receive expert guidance from the University of Oxford. This strong foundation enables us to innovate and drive sustainable practices in agriculture.
Our technology is rooted in research from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, one of the world's leading technological institutes, and we receive expert guidance from the University of Oxford. This strong foundation enables us to innovate and drive sustainable practices in agriculture.

PerPlant's sensors help farmers all over the world.