Our Product

One integrated solution for Variable Rate Application and spot spraying

Benefits of the sensor

The sensor offers many advantages and can be used with Wheat, Grass seeds, Potatoes, Rapeseed, Corn, Sugar beets, Barley and Oats
Achieve a return on investment in approximately one year.
By using the sensor for both variable rate application and spot spraying, you can quickly benefit from increased yield and reduced pesticide usage.
Boost crop yields by up to 4%.
Through the redistribution of fertilizer, slurry, and seeds based on precise biomass measurements in the field, you can achieve a more uniform crop, reduce the risk of lodging, and thereby gain a higher yield.
Increase productivity by reducing technical barriers, maximizing input efficiency.
No need to monitor the field yourself with a camera, hire a third party, prepare application maps, transfer data via USB, upgrade licenses, ensure your terminal can read files, or spend time on technical issues.
Reduce pesticide usage by up to 80%.
Achieve precise input application in the field with centimeter-level measurements and real-time dosing, optimizing resource usage effectively.
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Vores sensor kan installeres med tre enkle steps

Det behøver ikke at være svært at komme i gang med vores AI-drevede sensor. Den kan installeres hurtigt og nemt i tre enkle steps, så du kan optimere dit landbrug med det samme.


Sensoren kan nemt monteres på 30 min. og er herefter klar til brug. Der medfølger også en PerPlant app, som automatisk installeres på din jobcomputer eller PerPlant-skærm. Denne app vil give dig mulighed for at følge med i doseringsraterne, når du kører i marken. Den vil også lagre denne data. Før du kører, fortæller appen, hvor meget gødning/udsæd/planteværn, du skal hælde i tanken, så dine ressourcer ikke går til spilde.


Når du kører i marken, registrerer, vurderer og dokumenterer sensoren selv markens forhold, og vil herefter, via doserings- og sektionskontrol, sende signal til redskabet om kun at sprøjte de pågældende steder. Du bestemmer selv strategien - om du ønsker at omfordele, kombinere omfordeling med reduktion, eller spotsprøjte. Du kan samtidig følge med i doseringerne via din skærm i PerPlant appen.


All data collected by the sensor during field operations is securely stored in the cloud, offering you comprehensive insights for advanced analysis and strategic planning. This information can be used for various purposes, including evaluating nitrogen uptake, mapping productivity zones, and generating official documentation. With each pass through the field, the sensor autonomously improves its understanding of your unique agricultural landscape, continuously enhancing its precision and effectiveness. This intelligent system not only saves you valuable time but also optimizes resource allocation, providing increasingly sophisticated field management capabilities with every use.
Read more about our relation to precision farming

What can the sensor be used with?

The sensor is versatile, capable of spraying (via ISOBUS), spreading fertilizer and slurry (also via ISOBUS), and operating independently for field scanning. Additionally, the sensor is compatible with all the ISOBUS brands listed below.

Calculate how to maximize your savings with our AI-Powered Sensor

Discover how much you can save and optimize your operations with our cutting-edge technology. Click here for a no-obligation consultation or to request your free trial of our sensor today!
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PerPlants sensor hjælper landmænd i det meste af Danmark

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Ready to experience the benefits of our sensor?

If you're interested in trying the sensor on your equipment, please fill out the form below. We will reach out to you with more information shortly!
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